A journal of IEEE and CAA , publishes high-quality papers in English on original theoretical/experimental research and development in all areas of automation

Vol. 2,  No. 2, 2015

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2015, 2(2): .
Abstract(1008) PDF(0)
An Overview of Research in Distributed Attitude Coordination Control
Long Ma, Haibo Min, Shicheng Wang, Yuan Liu, Shouyi Liao
2015, 2(2): 121-133.
Abstract(1208) HTML (21) PDF(15)
This paper provides an overview of attitude coordination problems of multi-rigid-body with the goal of promoting research in this area. Theoretical results regarding consensus seeking with different system models, different communication topologies, different control goals and different techniques are summarized. And applications of consensus protocols to multirigid- body coordination are investigated. Finally, some future research directions and open problems are also proposed.
Cloud Control Systems
Yuanqing Xia
2015, 2(2): 134-142.
Abstract(1412) HTML (26) PDF(48)
The concept of cloud control systems is discussed in this paper, which is an extension of networked control systems (NCSs). With the development of internet of things (IOT), the technology of NCSs has played a key role in IOT. At the same time, cloud computing is developed rapidly, which provides a perfect platform for big data processing, controller design and performance assessment. The research on cloud control systems will give new contribution to the control theory and applications in the near future.
Robust Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors
Zhenhua Deng, Xiaohong Nian
2015, 2(2): 143-150.
Abstract(1302) HTML (23) PDF(62)
In this paper, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) are investigated. According to the feature of PMSMs, a novel state equation of PMSMs is obtained by choosing suitable state variables. Based on the state equation, robust controllers are designed via interval matrix and PI control idea. In terms of bilinear matrix inequations, sufficient conditions for the existence of the robust controller are derived. In order to reduce the conservation and the dependence on parameter, the control inputs of PMSMs are divided into two parts, a feedforward control input and a feedback control input, and relevant sufficient conditions for the existence of the controller are obtained. Because of the suitable choice of state variables, the proposed control strategies can cope with the load uncertainty and have robustness for disturbance. Finally, simulations are carried out via Matlab/Simulink soft to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies. The performance of the proposed control strategies are demonstrated by the simulation results.
Consensus Seeking for Discrete-time Multi-agent Systems with Communication Delay
Zhenhua Wang, Juanjuan Xu, Huanshui Zhang
2015, 2(2): 151-157.
Abstract(1190) HTML (23) PDF(25)
This paper studies the consensus problem for discrete-time multi-agent systems of first-order in the presence of constant communication delay. Provided that the agent dynamics is unstable and the network topology is undirected, effects of two kinds of communication delays on consensus are investigated. When the relative information is affected by delay, we show that the effect of delay can be alleviated by using the historical input information in the protocol design. On the other hand, if the communication delay only influences the actually transmitted information, sufficient condition admitting any large yet bounded delay for consensus is obtained, and the delay in this case is allowed to be unknown and time-varying. Finally, simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.
Single Image Fog Removal Based on Local Extrema
Hongyu Zhao, Chuangbai Xiao, Jing Yu, Xiujie Xu
2015, 2(2): 158-165.
Abstract(1161) HTML (25) PDF(15)
Atmospheric conditions induced by suspended particles, such as fog and haze, severely alter the scene appearance. In this paper, we propose a novel defogging method based on the local extrema, aiming at improving the image visibility under foggy or hazy weather condition. The proposed method utilizes atmospheric scattering model to realize the fog removal. It applies the local extrema method to figure out three pyramid levels to estimate atmospheric veil, and manipulates the tone and contrast of details at different scales through multi-scale tone manipulation algorithm. The results on the experiments of comparison with traditional methods demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve more accurate restoration for the color and details, resulting in a great improvement in image visibility.
Operation Efficiency Optimisation Modelling and Application of Model Predictive Control
Xiaohua Xia, Jiangfeng Zhang
2015, 2(2): 166-172.
Abstract(1162) HTML (28) PDF(22)
The efficiency of any energy system can be charaterised by the relevant efficiency components in terms of performance, operation, equipment and technology (POET). The overall energy efficiency of the system can be optimised by studying the POET energy efficiency components. For an existing energy system, the improvement of operation efficiency will usually be a quick win for energy efficiency. Therefore, operation efficiency improvement will be the main purpose of this paper. General procedures to establish operation efficiency optimisation models are presented. Model predictive control, a popular technique in modern control theory, is applied to solve the obtained energy models. From the case studies in water pumping systems, model predictive control will have a prosperous application in more energy efficiency problems.
UAV Online Path Planning Algorithm in a Low Altitude Dangerous Environment
Naifeng Wen, Lingling Zhao, Xiaohong Su, Peijun Ma
2015, 2(2): 173-185.
Abstract(1349) HTML (28) PDF(58)
UAV online path-planning in a low altitude dangerous environment with dense obstacles, static threats (STs) and dynamic threats (DTs), is a complicated, dynamic, uncertain and real-time problem. We propose a novel method to solve the problem to get a feasible and safe path. Firstly STs are modeled based on intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) to express the uncertainties in STs. The methods for ST assessment and synthesizing are presented. A reachability set (RS) estimator of DT is developed based on rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) to predict the threat of DT. Secondly a subgoal selector is proposed and integrated into the planning system to decrease the cost of planning, accelerate the path searching and reduce threats on a path. Receding horizon (RH) is introduced to solve the online path planning problem in a dynamic and partially unknown environment. A local path planner is constructed by improving dynamic domain rapidly-exploring random tree (DDRRT) to deal with complex obstacles. RRT* is embedded into the planner to optimize paths. The results of Monte Carlo simulation comparing the traditional methods prove that our algorithm behaves well on online path planning with high successful penetration probability.
Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Controller Design for Airbreathing Hypersonic Flight Vehicle
Delong Hou, Qing Wang, Chaoyang Dong
2015, 2(2): 186-197.
Abstract(1131) HTML (19) PDF(7)
This paper addresses issues related to nonlinear robust output feedback controller design for a nonlinear model of airbreathing hypersonic vehicle. The control objective is to realize robust tracking of velocity and altitude in the presence of immeasurable states, uncertainties and varying flight conditions. A novel reduced order fuzzy observer is proposed to estimate the immeasurable states. Based on the information of observer and the measured states, a new robust output feedback controller combining dynamic surface theory and fuzzy logic system is proposed for airbreathing hypersonic vehicle. The closedloop system is proved to be semi-globally uniformly ultimately bounded (SUUB), and the tracking error can be made small enough by choosing proper gains of the controller, filter and observer. Simulation results from the full nonlinear vehicle model illustrate the effectiveness and good performance of the proposed control scheme.
Stable Estimation of Horizontal Velocity for Planetary Lander with Motion Constraints
Wei Shao, Shulin Sui, Lin Meng, Yaobin Yue
2015, 2(2): 198-206.
Abstract(1033) HTML (19) PDF(11)
The planetary lander usually selects image feature points and tracks them from frame to frame in order to determine its own position and velocity during landing. Aiming to keep features tracking in consecutive frames, this paper proposes an approach of calculating the field of view (FOV) overlapping area in a 2D plane. Then the rotational and translational motion constraints of the lander can be found. If the FOVs intersects each other, the horizontal velocity of the lander is quickly estimated based on the least square method after the ill-conditioned matrices are eliminated previously. The Monte Carlo simulation results show that the proposed approach is not only able to recover the ego-motion of planetary lander, but also improves the stabilization performance. The relationship of the estimation error, running time and number of points is shown in the simulation results as well.
Asynchronous H Control for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Switched Polytopic System Approach
Zhaolei Wang, Qing Wang, Chaoyang Dong
2015, 2(2): 207-216.
Abstract(1102) HTML (19) PDF(17)
This study is concerned with the H control for the full-envelope unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in the presence of missing measurements and external disturbances. With the dramatic parameter variations in large flight envelope and the locally overlapped switching laws in flight, the system dynamics is modeled as a locally overlapped switched polytopic system to reduce designing conservatism and solving complexity. Then, considering updating lags of controller's switching signals and the weighted coefficients of the polytopic subsystems induced by missing measurements, an asynchronous H control method is proposed such that the system is stable and a desired disturbance attenuation level is satisfied. Furthermore, the sufficient existing conditions of the desired switched parameter-dependent H controller are derived in the form of linear matrix inequality (LMIs) by combining the switched parameter-dependent Lyapunov function method and average dwell time method. Finally, a numerical example based on a highly maneuverable technology (HiMAT) vehicle is given to verify the validity of the proposed method.
Production Line Capacity Planning Concerning Uncertain Demands for a Class of Manufacturing Systems with Multiple Products
Hao Liu, Qianchuan Zhao, Ningjian Huang, Xiang Zhao
2015, 2(2): 217-225.
Abstract(1105) HTML (3) PDF(12)
In this paper, we study a class of manufacturing systems which consist of multiple plants and each of the plants has capability of producing multiple distinct products. The production lines of a certain plant may switch between producing different kinds of products in a time-sharing mode. We optimize the capacity configuration of such a system's production lines with the objective to maximize the overall profit in the capacity planning horizon. Uncertain demand is incorporated in the model to achieve a robust configuration solution. The optimization problem is formulated as a nonlinear polynomial stochastic programming problem, which is difficult to be efficiently solved due to demand uncertainties and large search space. We show the NP-hardness of the problem first, and then apply ordinal optimization (OO) method to search for good enough designs with high probability. At lower level, an mixed integer programming (MIP) solving tool is employed to evaluate the performance of a design under given demand profile.
View-invariant Gait Authentication Based on Silhouette Contours Analysis and View Estimation
Songmin Jia, Lijia Wang, Xiuzhi Li
2015, 2(2): 226-232.
Abstract(1122) HTML (19) PDF(8)
In this paper, we propose a novel view-invariant gait authentication method based on silhouette contours analysis and view estimation. The approach extracts Lucas-Kanade based gait flow image and head and shoulder mean shape (LKGFI-HSMS) of a human by using the Lucas-Kanade's method and procrustes shape analysis (PSA). LKGFI-HSMS can preserve the dynamic and static features of a gait sequence. The view between a person and a camera is identified for selecting the target's gait feature to overcome view variations. The similarity scores of LKGFI and HSMS are calculated. The product rule combines the two similarity scores to further improve the discrimination power of extracted features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach is robust to view variations and has a high authentication rate.